In Memoriam
Thomas E. Reynolds Jr.
A love note to an unsung hero of Geneva Lake
You cannot truly leave this earth when you have become the adopted godparent of forty plus young people – and the champion of a magnificent idea. Thomas E. Reynolds Jr. passed away September 12, but he will live on in the young scholars he supported through their undergraduate studies. Tom Reynold’s father was one of the founders of the Environmental Education Foundation (EEF). He and his family have funded an endowment that has – and will – provide thousands of dollars in scholarships to Geneva Lake area students who attend college in environmentally related programs.
The legacy of this endowment is that, each year since 1980, an area student is awarded the Thomas E. Reynolds Endowment Scholarship, now up to $16,000. The foresight of the Reynolds family, and their mission to support conservation-minded young researchers, scientists, and educators, means that this mission and this giving will continue for forty more years... and forty after that... Tom and his family inspired the Foundation to create a range of programs – from a range of other scholarships and grants as well as outdoor education support.
Even as Tom’s body grew more fragile, his mind and his commitment to environmental education was vital and strong. With that wry smile, a twinkle in his eye, and keen sense of humor, he would chide any Foundation board member who deviated from his vision by saying, “It’s for the kids!” So, if you have the pleasure to meet one of the scores of students supported by this man and this idea, look closely at their eyes. If you glimpse a twinkle, just know that that is Thomas E. Reynolds Jr.
Rest in love,
The Board of the Environmental Education Foundation